Each week on the Matthew West Podcast, Matthew is joined by some of his favorite artists, authors, athletes, and influencers such as Mark Hall from Casting Crowns, Olympic Gold Medalist Shawn Johnson East, Country Star Carly Pearce, Best selling author and podcast host Annie F. Downs, Comedian Michael Jr., and many more. In addition, listeners get a behind-the-scenes look in each episode at some of the powerful stories behind his music, plus a special segment "Dadvice" with Matthew's dad, popwe Director, Joe West.
Jeanne Stevens on Being Present
Episode 101
My guest today is a pastor and author from my home city of Chicago, IL. She’s got a great new book called What’s Here Now? Today we are going to talk about how to stop rehashing the past, rehearsing the future, and start soaking up the present moment. Let’s go to the Story House with Jeanne Stevens!
Mike Rowe Tells the Story Behind the Story
Episode 100
Today we celebrate our 100th episode of The Matthew West Podcast! Thank you for making the show part of your lives! My guest today is, in my opinion, one of the most interesting people in the world. The creator of the wildly popular show, Dirty Jobs, he is a writer, narrator, producer and singer. He does it all, folks! He’s got a new show on TBN called The Story Behind the Story. Let’s go to the Story House with Mike Rowe!
Kirsten Watson Is Inviting You to Take a Breath
Episode 99
My guest today is an author, CEO of a family of seven, and wife of NFL football star Benjamin Watson. She knows a thing or two about how life can at times feel completely overwhelming. But God offers us peace in the middle of the chaos. You are going to love this conversation! Let’s go to the Story House with Kirsten Watson!
Wonderful Life
Episode 98
Today we are celebrating the release of a brand new song! I’m going to take you on a journey to discover the heart behind the song and the powerful story that inspired it. Each life is touched by joy and pain, laughter and tears, hope and heartache. I pray that you will be moved by the power of this story today and reminded that life is hard, but God is still so good! It’s a broken and beautiful, gone mad and magical, awfully wonderful life. So, let’s go to the Story House with my new song Wonderful Life!
Brant Hansen
Episode 97
My guest today is a syndicated radio host, author, comedian, and all-around super interesting guy! He and I have been friends for years and usually, he’s on the other side of the microphone asking me questions! But today I get to talk to him about his important new book, The Men We Need.
I think you’re going to love this conversation. So let’s go to the Story House with Brant Hansen!
Bob Goff Is Undistracted
Episode 96
My guest today is a fascinating individual and one of my favorite people. He’s a bestselling author and philanthropist, showing us all how to live life to the fullest and love each other well. Today we are celebrating the release of his new book, Undistracted. Let’s go to the Story House with Bob Goff!
Brooke Ligertwood
Episode 95
My guest today is a worship leader, singer and songwriter who has written some of the most widely sung anthems in churches around the world. She’s got a new project out called SEVEN that is so powerful! Let’s go to the Story House with Brooke Ligertwood!
Nicole Zasowski Asks “What If It’s Wonderful?”
Episode 94
My guest today is a marriage and family therapist who’s written a powerful new book called What If It’s Wonderful?. Today’s conversation is one we all need on the importance of finding joy and peace in any circumstance! Let’s go to the Story House with Nicole Zasowski!
Tim Tebow Is on a Mission
Episode 93
Today’s show is going to fire you up in a big way! More than accolades such as being a Heisman Trophy winner, this guy is on a mission to follow Jesus and change the world. He’s just released a powerful new book called Mission Possible and we’re going to discuss how to make our lives count!
Let’s go to the Story House with Tim Tebow!
Louie Giglio on the Wonder of God’s Creation
Episode 92
Today I’m hanging with the pastor of Passion City Church. He’s the visionary who founded the Passion conferences that have reached millions of young people for Christ. He’s a gifted teacher and writer and has an awesome series of children’s devotional books about the wonder of creation. Let’s go to the Story House with Louie Giglio!
Carlos Whittaker on Finding Hope in the Hard Times
Episode 91
Today I get to sit down with a really inspiring guy! He’s the host of the Human Hope podcast, and is bringing us a message of hope today. Let’s go to the Story House with Carlos Whittaker!
Jordan St. Cyr Has a Message for All the Weary Travelers
Episode 90
My guest today is a singer and songwriter from Canada with a powerful testimony that’s going to move you today. He’s walked through his share of fires and his story is a story of perseverance, but most of all, God’s faithfulness. We are celebrating the release of his brand new self-titled album. Let’s go to the Story House with Jordan St. Cyr!
Running till the road runs out
Bonus Episode
Today is the final bonus episode in our What If series. I hope these devotionals have been an encouragement to you! If you’ve missed any of the 8 episodes, I encourage you to go back and give them a listen! Here at the beginning of 2022, time is going by so fast! And too often, we can get sidetracked from our mission, our plans can get derailed and we can lose sight of what really matters. Today we are focusing on how to see our lives through the lens of eternity and what really matters! Let’s go!
Me on Your Mind
Episode 89
Today’s episode is a celebration of the release of my brand new single “Me On Your Mind”. I’m going to take you inside the writing room for this song and you’ll hear how it progressed and the heart behind the lyrics. Consider this an extended version of our weekly segment ‘Songs from the Story House’! Let’s go!
Burn a little brighter
Bonus Episode
On today’s bonus devotional episode we are taking a look at the story of Daniel and being reminded what it looks like to burn bright and stand tall for our faith in a world that makes it increasingly hard to do so. A no what if life requires faith, boldness, and the willingness to stand up for what is right.
Hannah Kerr
Episode 88
I’m joined today by an incredibly talented singer/songwriter. You can hear her with me on the Brand New Tour this spring as we travel across the country, and today I’m so excited for you to get to know her story! Let’s go to the Story House with Hannah Kerr!
No what ifs
Bonus Episode
We are continuing with a devotional series called “What If,” that I hope will encourage you to run your race with perseverance. Nobody wants to reach the end asking, “What if I had lived my life to the fullest?”
Life is short, make it count!
Jordan Feliz Believes Jesus Is Coming Back
Episode 87
My guest today is a crazy talented singer/songwriter and Centricity recording artist. He’s got a powerful new song out called "Jesus is Coming Back"! He’ll also be joining me on the 2nd leg of the Brand New Tour this spring! Let’s go to the Story House with Jordan Feliz!