Max Lucado on Heaven and What Happens Next

Episode 209

My guest today is my favorite author and good friend! He’s written so many incredible books and had too many best sellers to count. Today, we are talking about his new book and learning more about the end times and what the Bible has to say about a topic that I know most of us have lots of questions about. Let’s go to the Story House with Max Lucado!


Follow Max Lucado on his website, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook and X.

Order Max’s new book What Happens Next here.

Don’t Stop Praying the ALBUM is coming 10.4.24! Every one of these songs is an encouragement to lean in, to spend time with God each day, and dare to go deeper to have a steady conversation with the author of our stories. Matthew can’t wait to share these songs with you on October 4! Pre-order/add/save here.

Matthew’s new single “Chosen” is out now! The song is inspired by 1 Peter 2:9, “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.” Listen to “Chosen” here and watch the lyric video here.

See Matthew this fall on the Don’t Stop Praying Tour! We are going to pray for each other, our families, our nation and our world. The Bible says if we draw near to God, He will draw near to us. That’s what we are going to do every single night- draw near to the heart of the Father and be changed by His presence. We hope you’ll join us. Tickets available at

Order Matthew’s new devotional My Story, Your Glory. Matthew can’t wait for you to dive into this 30-day devotional. This is a devotional about your story... a guide to help you remember that your story is being written by the Master Storyteller and that you are here on this earth for a very important reason: to give God glory. Available now at your favorite book retailers and 📚

Share your prayer need on the Prayer Wall. Matthew has been incredibly moved by the way you guys have responded to his new song “Don’t Stop Praying.” He and his team, in partnership with popwe, created a Prayer Wall at for you to make your prayers known and to build community around the needs we are bringing to the feet of Jesus. Add your prayers so we can to lift your requests to Heaven!

Visit for prayer, weekly devotions, story sharing, and ways to CRAFT.SHARE.LIVE a more meaningful life.

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