A Tragic Chapter
Episode 146
"Please join me in this prayer for those who are grieving today: Dear Jesus, please be near to those who are broken hearted today. We grieve with those who grieve. We thank you for the promise of heaven and we believe you are a good God who will somehow redeem all things, even the tragic chapters of the stories we live in this fallen world, Amen."
- Matthew West
Today I’m sharing some thoughts on the recent tragedy that took place in my home city of Nashville. Join me in a special time of prayer for the victims’ families.
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Talk About - Go to talkaboutdiscipleship.com to download your free Holy Week Family Guide and talk faith with your family this spring! Use code WEST to get your first month of Talk About for free.
Matthew is on the My Story Your Glory Tour with very special guest Mac Powell! Hear songs from the new double album and other hits! See if he'll be in your city and get tickets at matthewwest.com/tour.
Matthew's My Story Your Glory double album is out NOW! Buy, download, and stream anywhere you get music. SIGNED CDs available at shop.matthewwest.com while supplies last!
The My Story Your Glory Song Library is now open and contains special video content from songs on Matthew's double album. Visit MyStoryYourGlory.com and check out all the stories on the shelf. New content will be added regularly!
Join Matthew on a spiritual journey of rediscovery and revival in his new book, The God Who Stays. Inspired by the words of his hit song “The God Who Stays,” it’s all about renewing your faith and finding rest and healing through biblical truth in difficult times. Get your copy at TheGodWhoStays.com!
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